Download Free The Game Of Life Diversity Activity For Middle School

Posted By admin On 10.09.19
  1. Diversity Activities For College Students
  2. Diversity Activities For Kids
  3. Download Free The Game Of Life Diversity Activity For Middle School Directions

Introduction Why is appreciating diversity important for youth and adults?The face of the United States and its workplace is changing. A growing number of neighborhoods and communities contain a complex mix of races, cultures, languages, and religious affiliations. At the same time, the widening gap between the rich and the poor is creating greater social class diversity. In addition, the U.S. Population includes more than 43 million people with physical and mental challenges.For these reasons, today’s youth and adults are more likely to face the challenges of interacting and working with people different from themselves. The ability to relate well to all types of people in the workplace is a leadership skill that is becoming increasingly important. Understanding, accepting, and valuing diverse backgrounds can help young people and adults thrive in this ever-changing society.

Diversity Activities For College Students

How can these activities boost understanding of diversity?Learning about diversity can be fun. The activities in this publication can help participants:. Recognize how we place self-imposed limits on the way we think. Discover that, in many ways, people from different cultures and backgrounds hold similar values and beliefs. Become more aware of our own cultural viewpoints and the stereotypes we may have inadvertently picked up. Accept and respect the differences and similarities in people.When and where should these activities be used?The activities in this publication are appropriate for use by teachers, youth leaders, and child care professionals. While most of the activities are appropriate for older youth (middle school and above) and adults, some of the activities may be adapted for younger children.

WeAreTeachers celebrates educators with classroom ideas, 'helpline' advice, inspiration and laughs every day. Because teachers are AWESOME! The game has a single-player and a multi-player option. Fractions Jeopardy In this game you have to add and subtract like and unlike fractions, as well as multiply and divide fractions. Factors and Multiples Jeopardy Factors and Multiples Jeopardy is a free online game for middle school students and teachers.

Decisions should be based on the facilitator’s knowledge of the group’s cognitive level and needs.Some of the activities—including “Complimentary Round Table” and “Chocolate Milk and Shades of Skin Color”—can be used as discussion starters or icebreakers. Others such as “Is That a Fact?” may be the basis for an entire lesson. In either case, the facilitator should allow enough time for discussion at the end of each activity. Debriefing is important for dealing with unresolved feelings or misunderstandings. Conducting activities in an atmosphere of warmth, trust, and acceptance is equally as important. Potato Activity GoalTo help youth eliminate stereotyping and recognize the uniqueness of each individual. Time20–30 minutes MaterialsA brown paper bag, one potato for each student in the class, and one potato for the teacher.

ProcedureSelect one potato for your demonstration and have a story in mind to describe your potato to the class. Hold up your potato in front of the class and say, “I have here a potato.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never thought that much about potatoes. I’ve always taken them for granted. To me, potatoes are all pretty much alike.

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Sometimes I wonder if potatoes aren’t a lot like people.”Pass around the bag of potatoes and ask each student to take one potato. Tell each student to “examine your potatoes, get to know its bumps, scars, and defects and make friends with it for about one minute or so in silence. Get to know your potato well enough to be able to introduce your ‘friend’ to the group.”After a few minutes, tell students that you’d like to start by introducing your “friend” to them. (Share a story about your potato and how it got its bumps.) Then tell students that the class would like to meet their friends. Ask who will introduce their friend first. (Ask for several, if not all, to tell the group about their potatoes.)When enough students have introduced their “friends” to the class, take the bag around to each person. Ask them to please put their “friends” back into the bag.Ask the class, “Would you agree with the statement ‘all potatoes are the same’?

Why or why not?”Ask them to try to pick out their “friend.” Mix up the potatoes and roll them out onto a table. Ask everyone to come up and pick out their potatoes.After everyone has their potatoes and you have your “friend” back, say, “Well, perhaps potatoes are a little like people. Sometimes, we lump people of a group all together. When we think, ‘They’re all alike,’ we are really saying that we haven’t taken the time or thought it important enough to get to know the person. When we do, we find out everyone is different and special in some way, just like our potato friends.” DiscussionAsk students to think about groups at school or in the community that we tend to lump together.

Life Cycle of a Frog for KidsThere is something about tadpoles and frogs that really appeals to kids. Every spring my boys loved to go hunting in the ditches and ponds for the wriggling tadpoles. We took along an assortment of small buckets and they spent hours scooping up tadpoles.

Most of the time we released them, but one memorable year we did take some home and watched them grow into frogs. It is such an amazing process and one that never fails to impress. 4 Teacher Approved Videos.

Learn all about a Frog Life Cycle provides a simple explanation and is short enough for even the wriggliest of kids. Life cycle of a frog has some lovely photographs and video footage. The metamorphosis song is a fun way to introduce the word. Froggy Froggy is a catchy song that teaches the frog life cycle8 Helpful BooksHere are 8 books about the frog life cycle. Some of them are great for reading aloud and others can be read by children at a variety of reading levels. Even children who are not reading can learn a lot by looking at the pictures.Raising TadpolesRaising tadpoles and watching them change into frogs is a wonderful opportunity for kids to witness the life cycle first hand.

It provides opportunity for your kids to practice. Observation. Collecting data. Recording dataBut apart from that it is plain fun. Kids express genuine wonder as they watch the tadpoles change and grow. This is hands on learning at its best. However, be aware that in some places it is illegal to remove frogspawn from ponds, so CHECK YOUR LOCAL REGULATIONS FIRST.

Diversity Activities For Kids

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It is also recommended that you bring the frogs back to same pond when they mature.Rainy day mom has written a helpful guide about how to raise tadpoles. 1 Amazing site with dozens of free pictureIf you would like to print out some gorgeous pictures of frogs for your classroom, hop over to and use their search to find them. All the pictures on Unsplash are free to download and use.

It is a fabulous resource for teachers. 9 free printables and worksheets. 123 Homeschool 4 Me. Kiddyhouse. Pre-K Pages. In All You Do.

123 Homeschool 4 Me. Learning 2 Walk. Life Over C’s. Still Playing School. 123 Homeschool 4 MeFREE Frog Life Cycle WheelMaking a frog life cycle wheel is great activity. The wheel has pictures of eggs, tadpoles, tadpoles with arms, tadpoles with arms and legs, and mature frogs.

The wheel turns around and around, so it helps kids visualize the cyclical nature of life cycle. We have a black and white version that children can decorate and a colored one that is ready to put together.Children can make their own wheels, or you can make one to show the class and keep in your frog center.

Directions:. Print templates onto cardstock. Cut out both circles. Cut out the window section of the top circle. Lay the top circle on top of the bottom circle. Insert a brass fastener to the center. You should now be able to turn the bottom circle.

Download Free The Game Of Life Diversity Activity For Middle School Directions


Move the wheel around to see the different stages in the window.As a bonus we’ve also included frog life cycle worksheet. Students cut out the pictures and glue them in their correct order. It is a great way to review the life cycle. Download Frog Life Cycle Wheel. By downloading from my site you agree to the following:. You may print as many copies as you ‘d like to use in your classroom, home, or public library.

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